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Language; Language learning

One who closed-mindedly insists on only knowing and communicating in one language (ie, English), despite inhabiting a ...


Technology; Information technology

Transgooglation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by using Google Translate to achieve the equivalent ...


Psychology; General psychology

A momentary loss for words in speakers of multiple languages resulting from linguistic interference when the brain continues to ...


Financial services; Financial instruments

A passive investment strategy, which automatically creates a hedge that helps limit losses without constant supervision. This ...

queue jumping economy

Economy; International economics

A queue jumping economy is an economy in which individuals are actively finding ways to get ahead in a manner similar to queue ...


Love; Dating

Unrelated to its common meanings, here "live" means the subtle state in which a person likes another person a lot, but he or she ...


Language; Slang

English that is badly spoken by first-language English speakers. Doglish results from the blend of "doggish" (= mean, bad) and ...


Politics; General politics

´Wazabanga': 1. A ruthless obsession with power, money and status, which leaves no room for ethics and morality 2. The law of ...

inhale-exhale differential (IED)

Environment; Pollution

A measure of pollution defined by the amount of particulates exhaled minus the amount of particulates inhaled by the same person. ...


Dance; African-American

An uncoordinated dancer attempting to twerk in front of a crowd. (eg. "that girl is a real twork")


Psychology; General psychology

An individual that studies, organizes and interprets a person's strengths and fears through the recollection of expressed words ...


Social network; Social marketing

An extreme feeling of frustration/being fed up, with the abundance of poorly wrought memes which are posted to social ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

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