Category: Technology
Company: Gartner
Created by: consultant
Number of Blossarys: 2
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- Oversett termer
Five-part checklist to help eliminate waste in the workplace: In Japanese — “Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke”; loosely translated as “Sort, Straighten, Sanitize, Standardize and Sustain.” ...
The Windows Server operating system running in full 64-bit mode on Intel or AMD x86 processors is known as 64-bit Windows Server. Most instances of Windows Server ran in 32-bit mode, even if hosted ...
6LoWPAN is the name of an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard that defines an approach for routing Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) over low-power wireless networks. 6LoWPAN is intended ...
A framework of seven types of activity that do not add value; originally defined by Toyota: overproducing — producing product before there’s a valid order; unnecessary waiting — lengthened cycle ...
Absorption chillers use a different mechanism from traditional chillers, and are powered by heat rather than using electricity, potentially resulting in significant efficiency gains. The cooling ...
An access media gateway (AMG) serves as the bridge between a circuit-based voice switch and a packet-based IP or ATM access network. An AMG takes care of the PSTN-to-packet-network transition at the ...
An access method is: The portion of a computer’s operating system responsible for formatting data sets and their direction to specific storage devices. Examples from the mainframe world include ...