Category: Technology
Company: Gartner
Created by: consultant
Number of Blossarys: 2
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- Oversett termer
A technology for managing the interconnected parts of a system. As managed items — i.e., components of applications, nodes, links or subsystems — become active, they must notify their manager of ...
Distributed tape for backup and archiving is a means by which organizations preserve secondary copies of data. Distributed tape backup solutions create copies of data on tape for logical or physical ...
In a distributed version control system (DVCS), a full copy of the source code and version history can be on each participant’s desktop. It is easier to create a new branch or variation, rapidly ...
The process of assessing from which location products and services should be deployed, and determining the stock-keeping unit (SKU) and location-level replenishment plan.
DNA logic utilizes the properties of DNA molecules for storage and processing. Logic functions are formed from the binding of DNA molecules in various combinations. A DNA “AND” gate, for example, ...
Dock scheduling is the use of optimization and scheduling tools to automate dock door and yard schedules. In this system, a dock calendar is maintained, showing all operating constraints, such as ...
Document management (DM) is a function in which applications or middleware perform data management tasks tailored for typical unstructured documents (including compound documents). It may also be ...