Created by: paul01234
Number of Blossarys: 51
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Items worn by the character as a main means of survival; works the same way as clothes do except they actually provide defense increases and status boosts and may save the character from imminent ...
May also be known as gald, zenny or in any other name depending on the game; is the monetary object or cash system of the game which is used to purchase items or equipment and may be gained by either ...
Also known the re-spawn point; a place usually notable as it may be glowing and indicated earlier to serve such a purpose or may even be actual places like inns; usually used to "backup" a character ...
Refers to the site in-game where a character can keep items that have no immediate use; may refer to actual places like banks and treasuries or even chests wherever they may be located or may refer ...
The character's readily accessible storage for items newly acquired; usually has a limit as to how much can be carried and may also affect the character's status (i.e. character is overweight = ...
Refers to the work or class the character may be in or capable of progressing into; usually determines both the skills and stats of the character; may or may not always be present in games with ...
Certain capabilities the character may exhibit in-game; may refer to either abilities acquired through leveling or those acquired via quest but can be utilized at any time.