Industry: Financial services
Number of terms: 25840
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
Detailed check of a company's financial position, results of operations and cash flows, its strengths and weaknesses, future potential and the risks it is subject to; conducted prior to a planned merger or takeover.
In general, any good, product or instrument in which every unit is so similar to or identical with every other unit that they can be exchanged for one another without legal consequences, e.g. bearer shares, commodities, etc.
Limit value set in advance and stipulated within an in-option, in addition to the strike price. See also outstrike.
(1) Dissolution of assets or of a company by realizing the assets and settling the debts. (2) Settlement of forward or future transactions on the exchanges, with specific dates stipulated ahead of time for the individual operations (option declaration, payment, delivery of securities, etc). The liquidation calendar is determined by the stock exchange board. (3) Closing (squaring) a forward transaction in foreign exchange or precious metals by a corresponding contra transaction with the same due date.
An exchange that specializes in trading in options or financial futures. See also futures market.
Also: consumer banking, personal banking. High street banking business with individuals. The main objective of retail banking is to provide low-cost banking services in line with customers' needs by offering standardized products and simplifying sales processes.
Annulling an entry or reversing it as of the pertinent value date.
Bank credit where the bank does not grant funds but incurs liabilities or obligations on behalf of the customer, e.g. bill guarantee, acceptance or surety credit, contingent liability. Opposite: cash loan.
Description of all entries (rights, charges, notations, provisional reservations, encumbrances, etc) in the Land Register referring to a particular property.
(1) Die Zahlung der Dividend(s) auf Aktien und Partizipationsscheine an Aktionäre. (2) Die Zahlung des Einkommens eines Fonds an die Inhaber der Fonds Investmentzertifikate. (3) Die Zahlung von Zinsen auf Anleihen an die Anleihegläubiger.