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увећано задужење услед веће каматне стопе
The rate of interest the lessee would have to pay on a similar lease or, if that is not determinable, the rate that, at the inception of the lease, the lessee would incur to borrow over a similar term, and with a similar security, the funds necessary to purchase the asset.
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- Ordklasse: noun
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- Fagområde/Domene Financial services
- Category: Accountancy
- Company:
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- Akronym-Forkortelse:
Andre språk:
lessee’s incremental borrowing rate of interest
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tasa de interés creciente de endeudamiento del arrendatario
tasso di indebitamento incrementale del locatario di interesse
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pinjaman inkremental lessee tingkat bunga
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Диференциален лихвен процент на лизингополучателя
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- Stone(231)
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