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Toys and games

1) Devices that are used exclusively for recreation and play. Toys are most often used with children and pets and as a medium of education and development. Toys are not always obvious in their nature. A simple bottle can be considered a toy if an individual uses it for recreational use. 2) Games are structural activities used for physical or psychological education. In most cases, games are recreation. However, games can also be considered work. For example, a professional soccer game is a career to the participants.

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blackbody temperatur

Fire safety; Prevention & protection

Temperaturen i en perfekt radiator å ha en overflate med en energisparende av enhet og, derfor et Reflektivitet på null (0).


Fire safety; Prevention & protection

Vekten av antenne enheten strukturen og alle materialer, komponenter, mekanismer eller utstyr permanent festet til dette.

toeggede twin

Health care; Pharmacy

Broderlig tvillinger som følge av befruktning av to separate ova ved to separate spermatozoa; medlemmer av dette paret er ikke mer like genetisk enn er to nontwin søsken.


Health care; Pharmacy

Fungal smitte som involverer Candida arter.


Health care; Pharmacy

Fungal smitte av huden.


Health care; Pharmacy

Generalisert rødhet i huden.

effektiv tenningen

Fire safety; Prevention & protection

Tid der en t-kvadrerte design brann starter.
