Contributors in Fruits


matlaging banan

Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

The fruit of a large tropical herb that belongs to the banana family, but are larger, starchier, and not as sweet. It has a squash-like flavor and is used much like a potato. Also called the "baking ...


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

En lyse røde bær av familien heath. Omtrent 70% av avlingen kommer fra Cape Cod-området. På grunn av deres tartness, er de ofte kombinert med andre frukter og brukes i chutneys, kaker og ...


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

En lang, grønn, sylinderformet medlem av gourd familien med spiselige frø omgitt av milde, skarpe kjøtt. Brukes for å gjøre pickles og vanligvis spist rå. Agurker har blitt dyrket i tusenvis av ...

vaniljesaus eple

Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

Also called "Cherimoya" and "Bullock's Heart," this tropical fruit tastes like a cross between pineapple, mango, and strawberry. The flesh is cream-colored and has the texture of firm custard.


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

Navnet fordi de vokser i drue som klynger. Disse store sitrus frukt dyrkes i Arizona, California, Florida og Texas. De er tilgjengelige i både seeded og seedless varianter.


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

A large fruit related to the fig and the breadfruit. This fruit, indigenous to Africa, Brazil, and Southeast Asia, which weighs up to 100 pounds, is used in desserts.


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

A fruit containing a brilliant green flesh with tiny, edible black seeds. It has a unique tart-sweet taste. Also known as the "Chinese gooseberry."

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