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Operating systems

Software that handles the basic functionality of hardware.

Contributors in Operating systems

Operating systems


; Operating systems

(1) The process of separating the interface to some functionality from the underlying implementation in such a way that the implementation can be changed without changing the way that piece of code ...


; Operating systems

En komprimert, lossy, Perseptuell lydkoding format utviklet av Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Kalles også Dolby Digital eller Dolby Surround AC-3. Se også lossy komprimering, Perseptuell koding.

Accelerate rammeverk

; Operating systems

Et Mac OS X-rammeverk som fungerer som en beholder for flere andre rammeverk optimalisering og høy ytelse.

tilgang lag

; Operating systems

Klassene i pakken com.webobjects.eoaccess, som omfatter modell-nivå klassene EOEntity, EOAttribute og EORelationship. Du fungerer vanligvis ikke med klasser i dette laget direkte, men heller ...


Software; Operating systems

A discrete track of audio. A monaural recording or live performance has exactly one channel. A stereo recording or live performance has two channels. A multitrack recording or performance can have ...

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