Home > Terms > Spanish, Latin American (XL) > cesura


A rhythmic break or pause in the flow of sound which is commonly introduced in about the middle of a line of verse, but may be varied for different effects. Usually placed between syllables rhythmically connected in order to aid the recital as well as to convey the meaning more clearly, it is a pause dictated by the sense of the content or by natural speech patterns, rather than by metrics. It may coincide with conventional punctuation marks, but not necessarily. A caesura within a line is indicated in scanning by the symbol (||).

  • Ordklasse: noun
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  • Blossary:
  • Fagområde/Domene Literature
  • Category: Poetry
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Fagområde/Domene Archaeology Category: Human evolution


The uppermost part of the windpipe, the sphincter guarding the entrance to the trachea and functioning as the sound-producing organ of the throat.


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