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Distilled liquor

Of or pertaining to any alcoholic beverage obtained by distillation from wine, fermented fruit or plant juice, or from various cereal grains that have first been brewed.

Contributors in Distilled liquor

Distilled liquor


Beverages; Distilled liquor

Den amerikanske betegnelsen på eple brandy, i alderen to år i trefat derefter.

blended whisky

Beverages; Distilled liquor

Such a whisky contains a variable proportion of blended malt and grain whiskies, commonly about 40% malt:60% grain. A good quality blend may contain more than 40% malt, a cheap one much less. Many ...

blended whisky

Beverages; Distilled liquor

Kombinerer rett whisky med nøytral korn ånder. Rett whisky dominerer blanding av 20%, noe som resulterer i en 80 bevis whisky.


Beverages; Distilled liquor

En amerikansk whisky kalt for Bourbon County, Kentucky hvor whiskey ble først produsert i slutten av 1700-tallet. Alle Bourbon er laget av den gjærede mash av korn, rug og bygg maltwhisky. Loven ...


Beverages; Distilled liquor

En vinmonopol destillert fra druer eller andre gjæret fruktjuice. Brandies er alderen i eik fat for ulike perioder. De fineste brandies er konjakker og Armagnacs.


Beverages; Distilled liquor

Brasilianske brandy laget av sukkerrør. Det er den primære ingrediensen i Caipirinha.


Beverages; Distilled liquor

An Italian bitter aperitif created in Milan in the 1800’s by a restaurateur by the same name. This spirit is bright red in color and made with a variety of fruits and herbs, then aged in oak. It is a ...

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