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Distilled liquor
Of or pertaining to any alcoholic beverage obtained by distillation from wine, fermented fruit or plant juice, or from various cereal grains that have first been brewed.
Industry: Beverages
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Distilled liquor
Beverages; Distilled liquor
Laget av brennevin, sitrus fruktjuicer og sukker. Ristet med is og anstrengt i små pjolter glass. Soda vann legges deretter (bruse). Noen kullsyreholdig drikke, selv champagne, kan brukes. Noen Legg ...
Beverages; Distilled liquor
To slowly pour a liqueur or cream over another liquid so that it floats on top of it; also called “layering”. Some popular floated cocktails are the B-52, Beam me up Scottie and Kahlua& Cream.
Beverages; Distilled liquor
En vinmonopol destillert fra korn og smaksatt med einebær og andre aromatiske urter. De to primære stilene av gin er nederlandsk og tørr.
Beverages; Distilled liquor
En søt, rød granateple-flavored sirup. Den er laget av granatepler eller rips.
irsk whiskey
Beverages; Distilled liquor
A blend that contains barley malt whiskeys and grain whiskeys. These whiskeys are triple-distilled and aged for 4-8 years in casks which have usually been used before to age sherry, bourbon or rum, ...
Beverages; Distilled liquor
A German liqueur made from 56 different herbs, along with fruit, spice, bark, resin and seeds.
Jamaicanske rum
Beverages; Distilled liquor
En fyldig, mørke rum som produseres i potten stillbilder.